Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The GOP's Fifth Column Takes Aim at McConnell

I said it before: McConnell let That Ni**er back into the White House, and the baggers are going to primary his ass for it.

 Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Many of Kentucky's Tea Party leaders are plotting a strategy to defeat U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell in the 2014 Republican primary, a spokesman for a group calling itself the United Kentucky Tea Party said Tuesday.

Tea Party groups in the state are so dissatisfied with McConnell that "we are working on a battle plan with the ultimate goal to retire him next year," said John T. Kemper III of Lexington, a spokesman for the group.
Don't celebrate yet. While it seems logical that it would be easier for a Democratic candidate to defeat a relatively unknown teabagger rather than the richest and most ruthless repug official in the country, that's what we all thought about Jack Conway and Rand Paul, to our and the nation's dismay.

On the other hand, Rand Paul benefited from the support of his father's rabid fanatics. Kemper or somebody else probably won't have that support.

We'll see if McConnell has an intimidating enough response to discourage more Democratic candidates from jumping into the race.

Read more here:

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