Friday, January 18, 2013

Thanks Again, Kentucky, for Senator Dangerous Fucking Moron

We need a label - like "Chicken Hawk" for the keyboard warriors slavering for wars that other people fight - for the people who demonize unionized teachers as elitist traitors, but want them packing heat in the classroom.
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul promoted the idea of arming principals and teachers as an effective preventive measure to make schools safer, vowing Wednesday to fight any of President Barack Obama's executive actions that weaken constitutional gun rights.

Read more here:
And fuck you very much, Associated Press, for buying into the lie that anything President Obama has proposed would "weaken constitutional gun rights."

Beth Musgrave at the Herald:
Giving guns to teachers and principals to prevent school shootings is not a good idea, a bevy of school safety experts, retired police officers and teachers told a special legislative committee Thursday.

Instead, Kentucky should consider putting trained police and more school resource officers in its 1,245 schools, they told the committee.

House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, announced the creation of the subcommittee on school safety issues Thursday morning, one day after President Barack Obama announced sweeping proposals to overhaul the country's gun laws and Republican U.S. Sen. Rand Paul proposed the idea of arming some principals and teachers.
Putting more cops in schools is a bad idea, too, and shame on the cowardly Democratic officials proposing it.

Read more here:

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