Saturday, January 19, 2013

Stop Being Reasonable

You know why liberals lose fights we should easily win? Because we propose sensible solutions at the beginning of a negotiation, then get dragged miles to the radical reichwing in the name of "balance."
Wrong, Wrong, WRONG!  If you want these reasonable proposals in the bill President Obama signs, you have to start out as far radical left as the reichwing is far radical right.
Repugs never worry about what's reasonable. They don't have to, because they spend all their time and money and effort pushing insanely radical proposals so hard for so long that eventually they seem reasonable and get passed.
Nicholas Johnson, a state tax expert with the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, gave the chances of sweeping tax changes taking hold a low probability.
Still, he said he worried the efforts in the states could move the tax discussion in a direction harmful to middle- and low-income taxpayers and make balancing state budgets harder.
"Even if this is too radical, if it makes other radical schemes seem more reasonable, that's worrisome," he said.
Funny how that works. 
Here's where you start negotiating on immigration reform: everybody who manages to get their whole entire body inside the border of the United States gets to be a citizen. Period. Just like we did it back in revolutionary times.
Here's where you start negotiating on tax reform: no taxes on income under $100,000, and new brackets and rates on the additional income:
$100 K to $1M: 50 percent
$1M to $100M: 60 percent
$100M to $1B: 70 percent
over $1B: 80 percent
Just like in Eisenhower times.
Here's where you start negotiating on gun safety: Unless you have a job in law enforcement, you don't need a gun that shoots more than one projectile per minute. Just like in revolutionary times.
Anything less is just beating ourselves.

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