Saturday, January 12, 2013

Shop and Share on Feb. 2

Personally, I prefer to write check to my local food banks and domestic violence shelters so they can buy exactly what they need, but it you'd rather contribute by shopping, then go for it.

From the press release:
First Lady Jane Beshear is encouraging Kentuckians to volunteer and participate in the 5th Annual “Shop & Share” day, a one-day goods drive to benefit domestic violence shelters across the state.  The drive will be held at Kentucky Kroger and Food City stores on the Saturday of Super Bowl weekend, Feb. 2, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
“All of us are aware of the appalling crime of domestic violence, and many Kentuckians have had friends or family members who have been victims themselves,” Mrs. Beshear said. “Shop & Share is easy way for people to contribute to victims and their families.  While gathering their game-day supplies or doing their weekly grocery shopping, Kentuckians can purchase necessities for the shelters and then directly donate the items at the store.”
Volunteers at each Kroger and Food City store will provide a list of items needed at the shelters, such as canned foods, school supplies, toilet paper and soap.  Monetary donations will also be accepted. To sign-up as a volunteer, please visit
Last year, the combined goods and monetary donations for Shop & Share day were estimated at more than $782,000. 
“Thanks to the generosity and support of Kentuckians, Shop & Share has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for domestic violence victims and their families,” said Mrs. Beshear.  “Every year we reach a new monetary achievement, and this year our goal is to collect more than $1 million in donations.”
All collected contributions will be given to the 15 Kentucky Domestic Violence Association (KDVA) shelters across the state. 
Organizational partners for 2013 Shop & Share include the First Lady’s Office, KDVA, Kroger, Food City, the Kentucky Commission on Women, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, the Girls Scouts of Wilderness Road Council and the Kentucky Drug Court.
For more information on Shop & Share, please visit
For more information on the KDVA, please visit

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