Monday, January 21, 2013

Rub It In

It's real. We won, they lost, fuck those motherfuckers forever.

Official transcript here.

Savor it. Relish it. Then get to work taking the House back in 2014.

Charles Pierce, as clear-eyed an observer of the President as lives, heard a liberal hard-ass. 
The speech was a bold refutation of almost everything the Republican party has stood for over the past 40 years. It was a loud — and, for this president, damned near derisive — denouncement of all the mindless, reactionary bunkum that the Republicans have come to stand for in 2013; you could hear the sound of the punch he landed on the subject of global warming halfway to Annapolis. But the meat of the speech was a brave assertion of the power of government, not as an alien entity, but as an instrument of the collective will and desires of a self-governing people. 

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