Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rand Paul: GOP Must Pretend to Be Something It's Not

The jig is up, repugs: everybody knows who you really are, and your shrinking base won't let you pretend otherwise anymore.

And the Tribble-Toupeed One just sabotaged his presidential hopes with the Tolerance Heresy.

Barry Horstman at the Cincinnati Enquirer:
The Republican Party needs to broaden its appeal by softening its edge on some volatile social issues and altering its image as the party always seemingly “eager to go to war,” U.S. Sen. Rand Paul told more than 500 Cincinnati-area Republicans Saturday.

“We do need to expand the party and grow the party and that does mean that we don’t always all agree on every issue,” the Kentucky Republican said at the Northeast Hamilton County Republican Club’s annual pancake breakfast at the Sharonville Convention Center.

To help the party rebound from two successive losses in presidential races, Republicans must find new strategies and messages to reach voters who now often look askance at the GOP, Paul said.

Toward that end, the party needs to become more welcoming to individuals who disagree with basic Republican doctrine on emotional social issues such as gay marriage, Paul said.

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