Sunday, January 13, 2013

Profiting From Old Henry's Lessons

Henry Ford was a viciously racist old bastard who cared about nothing but profits, but he wasn't stupid. He knew that the only way to grow his profits was to make sure his workers were paid enough - and contented enough in their jobs - to afford to buy the cars they were building.

Virtually every corporation in America has since forgotten that lesson. But somebody at one company remembered, and in the teeth of a corporate rush to take advantage of high unemployment by turning workers into barely-compensated serfs, that company is adding thousands of good-paying, full-time jobs with benefits.

Care to guess which company?
"As we expand our product lineup of fuel-efficient vehicles, we need more people in critical areas -- such as in a range of engineering activities, vehicle production, computer software and other IT functions," said Joe Hinrichs, Ford president of the Americas.
Now that's a company that knows the true source of profits and success.  That's a company that embodies true American values.  That's a company that knows how to do capitalism without being a motherfucker.

That's not to say Ford is not capable of general corporate evil, as I'm sure it will demonstrate again sooner or later.

But in the meantime, I'm going to have to take a second look at Ford's latest EVs.

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