Tuesday, January 8, 2013

No More Disaster Relief for You, Northern Kentucky

Your new congresscorpion (thank you, juanitajean) says you deserve whatever destruction the next tornado or ice storm delivers to you.
From VoteNote:
Hurricane Sandy Relief – Suspension - Vote Passed (354-67, 8 Not Voting)
Speaker Boehner caused no small amount of indignation when he adjourned the House at the end of the last Congress without taking up a relief package for victims of Hurricane Sandy. The delay caused the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to approach its borrowing limit, necessitating this suspension bill to raise the program’s borrowing authority by $9.7 billion. The Senate passed the bill by voice vote later in the day. Boehner has pledged that the remainder of the roughly $60 billion in aid would be considered in the House January 15. 
Rep. Thomas Massie voted NO......send e-mail or see bio
I told you he was a vicious motherfucker.

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