Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mitchie-Poo's Definitely Getting Primaried

No, hiring AyanRand Paul's campaign manager isn't going to protect him from the wrath of the teabagging hordes.

David Lightman at McClatchy:
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell got his first big challenge from the right Wednesday, as the conservative group ForAmerica launched an ad questioning whether the Kentucky Republican is a true conservative.
McConnell, the leader of the Senate’s 45 Republicans, is up for re-election next year. He negotiated a deal with Vice President Joe Biden last week to avoid the fiscal cliff. The package included tax increases on the wealthy and delayed automatic spending cuts two months.

“As negotiations over the so-called fiscal cliff were intensifying,” the ad says, “conservatives called on McConnell and congressional Republicans to hold the line on tax rates and demand cuts to spending as they had promised.”

Instead, ForAmerica says, “when the deadline was looming, McConnell called Vice President Joe Biden and signed off on a deal with the White House that included tax increases and virtually no spending cuts.”

So the group is urging people to sign a petition “to let McConnell and congressional Republicans know conservatives are watching and will hold accountable those who go against the principles they claim to support.”
But they don't really give a flying fuck about the budget, and McConnell knows it.  His real crime - the one that will lose him the primary in May of next year - is failing to oust That Ni**er in the White House. No amount of spending cuts will change that.

Read more here:

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