Wednesday, January 9, 2013

KY Repugs Try to Throw Wrench Into Obamacare

They don't have a Koch Brothers' pet governor to turn the state into a teabagger Somalia, so they have to fuck Beshear legislatively.

Josepth Gerth at the Courier:
The chairman of the Kentucky Senate’s Health & Welfare Committee said Tuesday that she would file legislation by the end of the week in an effort to prevent Gov. Steve Beshear from setting up two key elements of Obamacare without legislative approval.

Beshear already has taken steps to establish the Affordable Care Act’s health care exchanges, but hasn’t announced a decision on expanding Medicaid to cover more Kentuckians. Sen. Julie Denton, R-Louisville, said the exchanges and Medicaid expansion are too costly and shouldn’t be something that the governor can do unilaterally.

But the Republican’s effort is likely to face trouble in the Democratic House. State Rep. Tom Burch, D-Louisville, who heads the House Health & Welfare Committee, said Denton “should save the ink” that it would take to print the bills.

“I wouldn’t look upon receiving the bill very favorably,” he said.
Kentucky is very, very fortunate to have kept the state House in Democratic hands last November.  Thanks and gratitude to every one of you who not only got out to vote, but made sure you made a choice in down-ballot races beyond the presidential contest.

Because the General Assembly - your local representative and senator particularly - has far more power to ruin or enrich your life than the president does.

The session has just started - there are going to be a lot of even worse bills to come.

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