Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Drug War Hysterics Attack Hemp

Of course they're terrified; any step toward rational policies regarding harmless agricultural products threatens their jobs.

Janet Patton at the Herald:
Two law enforcement groups on Monday criticized efforts to revive hemp production in Kentucky as economically unsound.

In a joint news release, the Kentucky Narcotic Officers' Association and Operation UNITE said they opposed Senate Bill 50 and House Bill 33, both of which would license farmers to grow industrial hemp.

"All the rhetoric you're hearing from the small group of proponents seeking to reintroduce hemp cultivation is based on desired outcomes, not reality," said Dan Smoot, vice president of Operation UNITE, an anti-drug organization covering 32 counties in southern and Eastern Kentucky. Its name is an acronym for Unlawful Narcotics Investigations, Treatment and Education.

Agriculture Commissioner James Comer has been lobbying for SB 50, sponsored by Senate Agriculture Committee chairman Paul Hornback. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Bowling Green, will testify.

In a statement, Comer said he was very concerned about the law enforcement groups' stance.

Comer said the law enforcement officials "stepped way out of their lane" by attacking the economics of hemp.

Read more here:

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