Monday, December 17, 2012

The Reality of Income Equality, in Many Handy Charts

Be prepared for fiscal-myth-hysterical relatives by keeping these charts handy. Keep in mind when viewing these charts that the "top one percent of income" means everyone who earns more than about $330,000 per year. The median income - that's the "40% - 60%" group - is about $50,000. Not where you thought you were, are you?

From Firedoglake:
Don’t miss “A Giant Statistical Round-up of the Income Inequality Crisis in 16 Charts”.  Examples:  sharp drop in “median income of working-age families” from 2007 to 2010;  254.3% increase in worker productivity compared to 113.1% in real hourly compensation, 1948-2011; 240.5% increase in real annual household for the top 1% compared to everybody else (range of 11% to 71%);  much, much more
This one is my favorite:


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