Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tasered for Being Too Passive and Wanting to Buy Things

At this point, police are just walking electrocution machines looking for a victim and an excuse.

What could be a better reason to shoot someone full of electricity than committing the heinous crime of trying to buy too many iPhones?

Sure, there's nothing wrong with that at all. A women who doesn't speak English is suspiciously buying iPhones and doesn't understand why the police are trying to arrest her so she gets shot through with 50,000 volts.

Take a look at that policy:
The weapon is a level of force normally required to overcome passive, defensive, or offensive resistance that is intended as an act of overt aggression toward the officer where an individual refuses to comply with verbal instructions.
Are we feeling free today? Like super-duper free? Do you think it's a good idea to give the police a torture weapon which they are authorized to use in cases where they have divined that a person is intending to be "overtly aggressive" by being passive or defensive?

Are you feeling free today? Really, really free?
Watch the video 

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