Saturday, December 8, 2012

Songs to Fight the Plutocracy By: "Wasn't That a Time"

Uploaded by klbrisby on Feb 14, 2011
Two founding members of The Weavers singing quartet, specifically Lee Hays and Pete Seeger, were interviewed by the Senate committee investigating potential Communists in this country. In this scene, actual testimony is intercut with a performance of a song "Wasn't That a Time" which the investigators (ridiculously) thought demonstrated anti-American sentiments. Shawn P. Rohlf, Kat Fitzpatrick, Kent Brisby, and Steve Denyes (left-to-right) perform excerpt from a workshop staging of THE WEAVERS SONG, adapted by KL Brisby.
Despite that misinterpretation - or perhaps because of it - the song became popular as a protest song during the Sixties.

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