Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sanity Emerges on School Safety in Louisville

Kentucky is just 15 years removed from a mass shooting at one of our schools, and we know that neither armed guards nor armed teachers would have stopped it.

Antoinette Konz at the Courier:
Area educators and parents largely rejected a call by the National Rifle Association to place armed police officers in every school in America, saying it won’t solve the problem of gun violence in classrooms.“I support safety in our schools; however, no armed guard could have prevented the Newtown incident,”

Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday said. “The only way to deal with this issue is to address the many facets that create a culture of violence. We must address gun control, mental health, violence in media, including movies and video games, and other related issues in order to combat this culture of violence.”
Did you catch that?  Kentucky's Education Commissioner Terry Holliday used the words "gun control."  He used them in a way that could be interpreted as positive, as a thing to be achieved, not avoided.

There is hope of sanity, boys and girls, even in Red State America.

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