Tuesday, December 11, 2012

No, Kathy: Don't Apologize

The proper response is: "Stop being a narrow-minded nimrod and I'll stop calling you a narrow-minded nimrod."

Not that you have to worry about it; he's going to continue to be a narrow-minded nimrod for a long time - almost as long as he's going to continue to be a hateful, vicious, lying, moronic, repug freakazoid.

Linda Blackford at the Herald:
State Sen. Kathy Stein, D-Lexington, said she will apologize to one of her colleagues after calling him a "narrow-minded nimrod" on Facebook over the weekend.

"I thought it was private," Stein said Monday about her comment, which she made on an old blog post about Sen. Mike Wilson, R-Bowling Green, on the liberal Hillbilly Report blog. The blog uses a commenting system powered by Facebook, which means the comment also appeared on Stein's Facebook page.

"This narrow-minded nimrod is now the Chair of the Senate Education Committee — Lord help us," she wrote.
The real problem, of course, is that Kathy Stein is more intelligent, educated, informed and experienced than the entire repug senate caucus put together.  She's also a smart-mouthed Jew in possession of a vagina
Stein's apology may not cut any ice with incoming Senate President Robert Stivers, R-Manchester.

"I just found it very interesting that everybody is attempting to try to have a new tone and discourse different from what it has been in past, and she's made a really inappropriate comment," Stivers said Monday. "Being respectful and conciliatory toward other people is something she always complained about, but apparently she has two different yardsticks by which she measures conduct by."

Stein is one of the most outspoken and liberal members of the Senate, and has sparred frequently with former President David Williams, who left the Senate this fall to accept a judicial appointment by Gov. Steve Beshear.

Earlier this year, the Republican-led Senate attempted to move Stein's Senate district from central Lexington to northeastern Kentucky as part of a broader redistricting plan. Stein was among those who challenged the legality of the plan, which the Kentucky Supreme Court ultimately declared unconstitutional.
They're gonna make you pay, Kathy. Pay and pay and pay and pay.  And not one single one of your supposedly "Democratic" male colleagues is going to whisper a word in your defense - they'll be too busy stabbing you in the back because you show them up to be as bad as the repugs if not worse.

So don't apologize; double down.  Call the motherfucking liars out for lying about fucking their mothers and demand they apologize to you.

*Do NOT confuse Democratic Senator Kathy Stein of Lexington with repug Senator Katie Stine of racist Nobama country. Though both are blonde females, otherwise they could not be more different. Repug Stine is exactly the kind of do-what-the-big-boys-tell-her-to-do and stay-in-her-place not-man that makes you question whether she's actually got a real vagina.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2012/12/10/2438847/stein-promises-apology-after-calling.html#storylink=cpy

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