Thursday, December 27, 2012

How Dare Workers Demand Pay

The epitome of capitalism: workers who get paid only at the whim of their employer.

From the Mountain Eagle:
A coal company owned by one of the world’s wealthiest men is refusing to pay money owed to laid off coal miners who had participated in a “loyalty reward plan,” lawsuits filed by five underground miners charge.
The Mountain Eagle knows how to write a lede.

The rest of the article is behind a paywall, but the AP has more details at the Herald:
Five Eastern Kentucky miners who were laid off have filed lawsuits claiming a Tennessee coal company and two subsidiaries are refusing to pay them according to a signed agreement.

The Mountain Eagle reports the miners filed suit in Letcher Circuit Court against United Coal Co., based in Blountville, Tenn., and its subsidiaries, Whitesburg-based Sapphire Coal and Wellmore coal based in Big Rock, Va.

The suits say that the employees signed a "loyalty reward plan" which offered early payment of deferred compensation for layoffs or closings and that the companies haven't provided the payments.

Read more here:

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