Saturday, December 15, 2012

How Big Government Improved Your Life This Week

That would be Big Government the government, not "Big Government" the breitbart fanzine full o' lies.

So it's often the little things that make the most salient points about ideological stances. Today's argument in favor of government intervention for good? Those obnoxiously loud TV commercials are about to go the way of the dodo:
Listen up, TV advertisers: Big Brother is muting you! Well, not entirely. But beginning at midnight (Thursday), new Federal Communications Commission rules will bar television networks from blasting viewers with those excessively loud, screamy commercial breaks...

Adopted a year ago Thursday, the rules "will require commercials to have the same average volume as the programs they accompany," the FCC says. The commission was prompted to action last year when Congress passed the "Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act"—the CALM Act.
This is the sort of thing that all but the most ardent libertarian can get behind, and is a real-world example of a minor but real annoyance almost everyone has experienced.

You can help enforce the new law, as well. If you think a channel is violating the law, just call 1-888-TELL-FCC to report the violation.
 It works when we make it work.

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