Sunday, December 23, 2012

Genocide Works, Too

I haven't seen the CIA's latest propaganda flick and will not - I'm not into torture porn.

But I am deeply dismayed - no, thoroughly disgusted - that the debate spawned by the film centers on the accuracy of the film's central premise that torture works.

"Does torture work?" Of course it does: it works to terrorize and punish and satisfy the sadomasochistic masturbatory fantasies of infantile monsters like Dick Cheney.

Genocide works, too.  If your goal is to eliminate your enemies, nothing works like genocide.  It's amazingly effective. Why don't we commit genocide?

For the same reason we used to not even consider using torture: it's a fucking war crime.

Supposedly the movie ends with the death of bin Laden.  It should have ended with every single military, contract and CIA torturer and all their superiors right up to Cheney and George W. Bush being frog-marched off to prison.

During discussion of the movie and its meaning on Up With Chris Hayes Saturday, not one single person - not the "liberal" Chris Hayes, not Glenn Greenwald, not the representative of the ACLU - so much as hinted that by committing torture - and giving government approval to committing tortune -  Americans have committed war crimes and should be prosecuted.

Not one word dedicated to the proposition that torture is unacceptable under all circumstances and must not be tolerated in any form.

That we Americans are actually debating torture is absolutely the most shameful development in my lifetime.

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