Monday, December 31, 2012

Frankenfish is What's for Dinner

We're not talking about plants anymore, as dangerous as GMO varieties of those staple vegetables and grains are to both human health and the safety of the food supply. We're talking about animals.

Remember that the biggest problem with Genetically Modified Organisms is that they crowd out non-modified organisms and permanently deform the food supply.

Edward Teller at Firedoglake: 
On December 21st, the Food and Drug Administration announced that the first genetically-engineered animal ever approaching approval for public consumption — a hybrid Chinook Salmon-Pouty — has been declared to have “no significant impact” on the environment.  As of the 21st, the FDA’s tentative approval of this GMO salmon, called “Frankenfish” by its many detractors, entered a 60-day public comment period.

In Alaska, home of a high percentage of the world’s remaining wild salmon, and a state where fish farming has been banned since 1989, the state’s three national legislators quickly responded to the FDA decision.  Most colorful, Republican Representative Don Young quipped:
“You keep those damn fish out of my waters. It will ruin what I think is one of the finest products in the world,” (Congressman Don) Young said in an interview, saying he fears that the spread of fish farms could eventually contaminate the wild salmon industry in Alaska. He wants to force delays in any FDA approval.
“If I can keep this up long enough, I can break that company,” he said, referring to AquaBounty, “and I admit that’s what I’m trying to do.”
Meanwhile, there are calls in Africa to make it the first GMO-free continent. 

And you'll be shocked to learn that many of the biologists claiming GMOs are safe actually own GMO patents.

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