Friday, December 14, 2012

County Schools Letting Their Racist Flag Fly

I don't think this assistant principal is getting enough credit for tact.  She could have written:

"Dear Ni**er parents:

Your yard apes are even stupider than we thought, so we're herding them into the cafeteria so all the white kids can point and laugh at their pathetic efforts to mimic real students."

Greg Kocher at the Herald:
A controversial letter addressing the student achievement gap at Woodford County High School "was probably not worded as well as it should have been," Superintendent Scott Hawkins said Thursday.

The letter sent this week to 66 of 1,230 students said: "Dear parent or guardian, On Thursday, 13th at 8:30, we will be calling all our African American students down to the cafeteria. Our recent data shows gaps in particular groups of students including: free/reduced lunch, Hispanic, and African American, so we are calling these students down to offer some additional forms of support to them."

The wording angered some people, and by Wednesday evening the letter was the subject of many posts on Twitter and other social media. The meeting scheduled for Thursday was canceled, and parents were to have received automated calls Wednesday informing them of the cancellation, Hawkins said.
 No, charter and voucher schools would not solve any of the multiple problem this incident reveals.

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