Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bills to Watch Out For

If we learned nothing else from the stealth passage of the Right to Freeload by the Michigan legislature, we learned that you cannot take your eyes off those motherfuckers for an instant.
The Kentucky General Assembly opens its 2013 session next week and you just know they're champing at the bit to show that when it comes to fucking over their constituents, Michigan lawmakers ain't got nothing on Kentucky's corrupt morons.

As Steve M writes:
So the GOP has plenty of agenda left. The agenda is making America either Republican or ungovernable. Parts of America are the former, and in D.C. the Republicans will settle for the latter -- for now.
Here are some Top 10 ALEC/Koch Brothers/freakazoid hits probably coming to Frankfort next week:
vaginal probe/forcing doctors to rape their patients
right to freeload

drug testing (non-corporate) welfare recipients

voter suppression
tax cuts for corporations but not for working families
vouchers/charter schools (your tax dollars for religious indoctrination)

"conscience" or "religious freedom" - allowing doctors and pharmacists to refuse to give you legal treatment and drugs you need because they don't like it.

gut Obamacare: various attempts to prevent Governor Beshear from expanding Medicaid and building an insurance exchange.
Look for them here.

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