Friday, November 16, 2012

Taxes Are Not Your Money

From Under the Mountain Bunker:
“Oh please. Taxes are not *your* money. If people could give up the idea that it’s THEIR money being pried out of their hands, rather than just another bill, there’d be a lot less whining. You want lights, you pay the electric company. You want a place to live, you pay the bank or landlord. You want food, you pay the grocery store. You want to live in a civilized society, you pay taxes. Get. Over. It.”
— Comment of the Day: Paying For a More Civilized Society (via peekadora)
On that note, here's another idea for avoiding the non-existent fiscal cliff: Take all the money in the budget that is spent on shit I disapprove of ...
  • subsidies to Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Gas, Big Ag, Big Pharma, Big Religion and every other motherfucking corporation.
  •  tax exemptions for anything and everything religious.
  •  tax credits for rugrats.
  •  contracts to private companies. Give people government jobs.
  •  military expenditures that do not directly and personally support individual grunts - in other words, all the fucking technoloy that is not salaries, family support, uniforms, equipment, etc.
... and spend it on stuff I approve of ...
  • a massive Manhattan-Project program to replace all fossil fuels with renewable energy within five years.
  • Medicare for All
  • public schools that make Harvard look like the South Bronx.
  • enough substance abuse and mental illness treatment beds to cure every sufferer in the country.
  • enough affordable housing to end homelessness.
  • 10 million government jobs rebuilding infrastructure: transportation, water treatment, parks, everything.
  • massive increases in direct cash payments to eliminate poverty.
  • Clone Eliot Spitzer so thousands of him are watching every Wall Street motherfucker 24-7.
Pick your own "shit'n'stuff." The point is that we all pay taxes for shit we hate and stuff we like. You can't get the stuff you like unless you pay for the shit you hate.

It's the price of civilization. Don't like it, the Galtian Paradise is waiting for you in Somalia.

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