Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Repug Response: Voting Democratic Must Be Illegal

Because for once something is true in both Bizzaro-Denial World and the reality-based world:

Repugs cannot win national elections as long as Democratic voters are able to cast ballots and those ballots are counted.

I haven't read all the reaction this morning, but I am sure I am not the first to say this (Steve M. probably was):

Repugs will absolutely, positively not respond to yesterday's results by realizing that history and demographics have passed them by and they must abandon their all-hate-all-the-time strategy.

No. They will double and triple and quadruple down on the racism and the misogyny and the homophobia and the gravity-denial.

I wish I could say that the result will be repugs becoming ever-more irrelevant until they are no longer viable as a political party.

But the likely outcome will be that every election repugs lose after campaigning on hate will drive their supporters to greater insanity, until violence - mass-casualty violence - becomes their only option.

But Democrats must not - can not - negotiate with that terrorism. Or attempt to mitigate it with concessions now. Yes, there will be violence and calls for Democrats to surrender on issues to prevent even worse violence.

But repugs have to be stopped here, stopped now and stopped for good. And only full, complete, permanent defeat will do that.

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