Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rand Paul Might Save the Day

The only reason we still have Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid today is because for the past two years the teabagger crazies among congressional repugs have rejected the kill-entitlements-forever Grand Bargain offered to them on a platter by the Obama administration and congressional Democrats.

Now, when a granny-starving deal again looks close to happening, that ultra teabagger, Kentucky's own tribble-toupeed Rand Paul, rides to the rescue.

David Atkins at Hullabaloo:
Rand Paul is doing his part to quash the Grand Bargain:

While some Republicans have indicated they may break their no-tax-hike pledge, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is not among them:

"I made a pledge to the people of Kentucky that I'm not raising taxes. I took a pledge. I signed a statement, an oath that I wouldn't raise taxes, and I'm going to adhere to it," Sen. Paul told Fox New's Greta Van Susteren Monday night.

In fact, if Paul had his way, he says he'd lower taxes:

"I think you should balance budgets, not spend more than comes in, and I think you should lower taxes, not raise taxes. In fact, if you want to stimulate the economy, I'm for cutting tax revenues. All these Republicans who want to give up their taxpayer pledge and raise taxes, I'm the opposite. I want to lower taxes because that's how we'd get actually more economic growth and maybe more revenue, if you cut tax rates.
One mark of a moron is not to know a good deal when they see one. So thank goodness for morons like Rand Paul, the kind of people who still think tax cuts for the rich pay for themselves and don't realize that this is their one big chance to cut Medicaid and Medicare in exchange for easily replaceable tip money for the rich, and blame it on the Democrats to boot.

The Grand Bargain would be much more likely without such useful idiots, and that would be awful. So bravo to you, Rand Paul. Keep that venal stupidity coming all the way through the end of the lame duck session, and best of luck with the 2016 GOP nomination.
 Everybody who thinks Jack Conway would be standing tall with progressives against the Grand Bargain, stand on your head.

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