Monday, November 5, 2012

Last-Minute Repug Rejection of Massie

Sheesh, Marcus, maybe you should have waited until what, 5 p.m. on Election Day to let your fellow repugs know that Thomas Massie would be a fucking disaster for your party?

And yeah, we knew the non-teabagging repugs of Northern Kentucky didn't vote for Massie in the primary and aren't happy about him being the nominee, but holy shit whatever happened to party loyalty? 

Marcus Carey, former Fourth Congressional District Republican Party Chair:
After months of research, a number of conversations with people all across the district and a keen eye trained on the fourth district race from a unique perspective, I have put together an admittedly long, but comprehensive view on how this race has shaped up.
 I am addressing this post to my fellow republicans in the fourth congressional district. Next Tuesday you will have choices in the race for Congress. You might assume that your choices are limited to voting for libertarian/republican Thomas Massie or democrat Bill Adkins. You are missing something. You also have the choice of not voting in that race, which I encourage you to consider and here is why.
Read the whole amazing thing, which makes emo-prog laments over Obama's "betrayal" read like CBO reports.

Is this a personal thing between Carey and Massie?  Is Carey still smarting over the Tribble-Toupeed One's victory over Great Repug Hope Trey Grayson?  Does anyone listen to anything Carey has to say?

It's certainly too little, too late to hurt Massie. But it's yet another reason for every Democratic voter in the Fourth District to get out tomorrow and vote for President Obama and Democratic nominee Bill Adkins. And take every Democratic voter you know with you.

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