Sunday, November 18, 2012

Kids Who Know Better

One of the things I love about the atheist/reality-based community is the way we never let even our allies get away with the slightest slip toward theist apologetics.

Kids Without God
I explored this site for a bit yesterday and there is some pretty good stuff on it.  BUT I HATE THE NAME!

When you use the word “without” it immediately conveys a lack of something.  And most of us don’t want to lack something.  Think “Kids Without Unicorns,” for example.  Obviously, unicorns don’t exist (sorry… maybe I should have used a Spoiler Alert there?), but don’t you still feel a little sad for those Kids Without Unicorns?   I don’t want, even for one second, to have these children who are questioning god’s existence to think that they might be missing out on something by embracing atheism.

What about…







Let me be really clear here.  Kiddos…you lack NOTHING.  Religion is the bug guts and dirt and bird poop on your windshield - you clear all that off and your sight is clear.  You see the world exactly as it is.  And that’s beautiful.  Unicorns or not.  ~JJ
 I say KidsWhoKnowBetter pretty much covers it.

Here's a kid who did not know better, and a judge who knows even less.

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