Wednesday, November 14, 2012

If I Worked As Slave Labor, I'd Destroy IPads, Too

No, they weren't doing it "just for fun."  They were doing it because at the starvation wages and no benefits Walmart grudgingly pays them, they couldn't afford IPads if they worked a hundred years.

This was a labor action, and Walmart knows it. Which is why they are desperately pretending it's just a goof by bad employees.

Workers who are treated with respect don't do this. Companies that treat their workers like serfs have to mount security cameras to monitor their serfs.

WDRB in Louisville:
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. says it is "embarrassed" by video on YouTube and Facebook that shows employees at an eastern Kentucky Walmart throwing iPads to each other across a stockroom and slamming them down on the floor.
No, in Pikeville there are no other jobs.

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