Friday, November 16, 2012

How to Cut Through the Fake Fiscal Cliff Bullshit

All the "tax-this-cut-that" or "cut-this-tax-that" proposals are just pure moonshine. The goal is what it's been for forty years: destroy Social Security and Medicare to dismantle the Great Society and New Deal and return the country to the lords-and-serfs economy that ensures permanent poverty for the 99 percent.

So here's my idea: leave rates where they are. But add five new brackets for top earners. 
Currently, all income over $389,000 is taxed at 35 percent. Start adding brackets at half a million.
Income from $500,000 to $1 million taxed at 40 percent.
Income from $1 million to $10 million taxed at  45 percent.
Income from $10 million to $100 million taxed at 50 percent.
Income from $100 million to $1 billion taxed at 55 percent.
Income over $1 billion taxed at  60 percent.
That will leave a person who earns $2 billion an after-tax income of more than $1 billion: $1,049,651,160, give or take a sawbuck. That's about 250 million dollars less than that person keeps under current rates.
I have no idea whether that will raise as much money as the "kill Social Security and fuck the middle class first" plans out there, but I do know it will do this:
Take a huge leap toward restoring tax fairness in this country, and ensure that the people who benefit the most from American Exceptionalism contribute something significant toward maintaining it.

And it'll still be far less than the motherfuckers paid under Eisenhower.

In case you were under the impression Mitch McConnell really wants to compromise.

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