Thursday, November 1, 2012

Herald Endorses Adkins in Kentucky's Fourth

That would be the supposedly commie-lib Lexington newspaper that is so far "left" it endorsed corrupt repug Hal Rogers in the Fifth District.

From the Editors of the Herald:
(Repug Massie's) campaign is funded by large amounts of money from individuals and organizations with no interest in Kentucky, which raises questions about whether he's interested in representing Kentucky, or like his supporter, Sen. Rand Paul, is using Kentucky as a springboard to a national stage.

That alone would be almost enough for his Democratic opponent, Bill Adkins, to earn our endorsement. But Adkins, a lawyer and Democratic Party activist from Grant County, has other attributes that make him a good choice. He's thoughtful and well-informed, and draws on a wide variety of life experiences in articulating his positions.

Perhaps nothing illustrates the difference better than what they said about the "fiscal cliff" during their KET debate, the only time Massie, elected in 2010 as Lewis County judge-executive. deigned to appear with Adkins.

A combination of harsh spending cuts and tax increases will take effect in early January if Congress does not come up with an alternative. The winner of this race will take office immediately because of Geoff Davis' resignation, so will have a say in deciding what happens.

Adkins favors a moderate approach, preserving tax cuts for small businesses and working people, while tempering cuts in domestic and defense spending until the economy is stronger.

Their answers on abortion were also enlightening. Although hoisting the torch of liberty in his campaign, Massie didn't hesitate to thrust the government into this area, saying all abortions should be illegal.

Adkins didn't dodge this hot potato. He took the risky position of saying government should not be involved in decisions about continuing or terminating pregnancies. He noted that in his law practice he daily sees the tragic results of unwanted children being brought into the world. Finally, he said that three of his own children are adopted.

Read more here:


Adkins has demonstrated an understanding of and genuine interest in promoting the interests of the district and the state. He deserves the support of voters in the 4th District. 
Read the whole thing.

Support Adkins here.

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