Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Half-Hour Line in KY-4 at 6 a.m.

I got there at 6:08 a.m. The parking lot was full, with a dozen cars parked on the verge along the drive and the road.

There were 25 people in line, and I barely got in the door. People were polite, discussing generally our amazement at the length of the line so early, but no overtly political conversations that I heard. One couple  complained that they couldn't get their teenaged offspring out of bed that early to vote.

Wake up, young people! After you vote, you can sleep all day!

Something new: a sign on the sign-in table listing acceptable ID: driver's license, social security card, credit card, or something else with a picture and signature. 

There was one more voting station than usual, for a total of three - one electronic machine and two optical scan ballot stations that shared one scanning machine.

The ballot was pretty simple:  straight ticket, president, congress, state representative, commonwealth attorney, district judge, board of education,  soil conservation board and a fucking stupid constitutional amendment to enshrine hunting and fishing rights that no one is contesting.  Yes, that last is entirely the NRA's idea.

There was only one candidate - repug incumbent - each in the state representative and commonwealth attorney races because the county and state Democratic Parties are cowardly handmaidens to the repugs and criminal wastes of time. One candidate only also for judge and board of education, which are officially non-partisan.

I voted at 6:28 a.m., meaning the wait was a little more than one minute per person in line.  Pretty good, as Kentucky limits voting time to two minutes if anyone is waiting behind you.

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