Thursday, November 29, 2012

Drawing the Moocher Line

A huge swathe of the American people think that society is, in fact, split between makers and takers, between producers and moochers--but they all think that the line is set just one notch below themselves. 
Actually, I think that line is set right about the $250,000 per year income line, and the moochers are everybody who makes MORE than that.
Producers are the people who change the bedpans and pick up the garbage and wash the dishes and teach the children and drive the buses and keep the world running smoothly for the moochers who inherit their millions and on Wall Street and buy up companies just to strip and loot them and leave the workers holding the bag.

Producers are the people who build the roads and maintain the sewers and put out the fires and shelve books at the libraries. Moochers are the people who profit by chopping off mountains and burning down forests and poisoning oceans with crude oil and turning drinking water into gasoline.

Producers are the people who milk the cows and grow the vegetables and raise the chickens and catch the fish. Moochers are the people who genetically modify basic foods to make it impossible for real farmers to survive.

Producers are people who work for a living because they aren't rich.

Moochers are people who don't work for a living because they're rich.

Soak the rich. Tax the moochers out of existence.

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