Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Democratic Nominee Adkins Makes Good Showing Against Billionaire-backed Teabagger

The Kentucky Post is calling the Fourth Congressional District for repug Thomas Massie. At 8:44 p.m., with 65 percent of the vote counted, Adkins has 38 percent of the vote versus 59 percent for Massie and three percent for Libertarian Independent David Lewis..

In 2010, repug incumbent Geoff Davis beat Jon Waltz 69 percent to 31 percent. In 2008, a Democratic wave year, Davis beat Michael Kelley 57 to 41 percent, when McCain beat Obama in Kentucky 67 to 33 percent.

Adkins getting 38 percent in a deep-red district against the blank checks of a billionaire is an accomplishment to be proud of.  It also speaks directly to the importance of turning out democratic voters who sit at home in off-year elections. I'll have more on that tomorrow after we get the full turnout numbers.

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