Friday, November 2, 2012

CORRECTION: Repug Andy Barr IS a Moron

Really, Candy?  Couldn't keep your lying piehole shut for five more days? You really think there was a single Chandler vote out there you could snatch if you admitted you hate women as much as Akins and Mourdock do?

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
After days of refusing to answer a question about when abortion should be legal, Republican Andy Barr acknowledged Thursday that he believes the practice is acceptable only when the life of a mother is in danger.

After a campaign rally in Frankfort, Barr was reminded that he told the Herald-Leader in 2010 that there should be only one exception to a ban on abortion.

"Other than when the life of the mother is at stake, I believe Congress should do all that it can to protect the life of every human being — born or unborn," Barr answered in a Herald-Leader questionnaire two years ago.

The newspaper specifically asked, "In what instances do you think abortion should be legal?"
On Thursday, Barr said his stance has not changed on the issue since 2010, when the Lexington attorney lost to Democratic U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler by 648 votes.

"No, I haven't changed my mind since 2010," he said.
As for the deeply deluded commenter who claimed I was wrong to write that Ben Chandler's position on abortion is hardly less misogynistic than Barr's, I refer you to Cowardly Worm's vote on the disgusting Stupak Amendment to the healthcare reform bill. That amendment made it impossible for women to get insurance coverage for abortion, thus essentially outlawing the procedure for all but the richest women.

Oh yeah: then ol' Ben voted against healthcare reform anyway.

Kentucky's Sixth District: where no majority of Democratic voters is enough to inspire an actual Democratic candidate to run for Congress.

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