Thursday, November 8, 2012

Can the Wildcats' Most Famous Fan Beat Mitchie-Poo?

Just how weakened is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell after losing two whole entire Senate seats in an election that he bragged it would be easy to gain four seats?

Weakened enough that all the corporate bucks and teabagger fanaticism in the world couldn't save him from losing to a girl?

Joe Gerth at the Courier:
Actress and Kentucky native Ashley Judd is being touted as a top contender to challenge U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell in the 2014 election, with supporters saying it could produce the “premier race in the country.”

“If you had an Ashley Judd-McConnell race, I think it would be as high profile a race as Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown,” said U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-3rd District.

Whether Judd is seriously considering a bid remains unclear — she’s said in the past that she might one day seek public office but has said nothing about her interest in the U.S. Senate seat.
Judd is beloved in Kentucky, both for her devotion to the University of Kentucky Wildcats and her pride in and love for her native state. So beloved that Kentucky conservatives overlook her progressive politics. Whether that would survive her actually putting those politics on the line no one knows.

But she probably has a better chance of beating McConnell than any other Democratic pol being mentioned.

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