Thursday, October 18, 2012

Why Only Repugs Benefit From Citizens United

Because only Democrats follow the rules.
Seriously: everyone who thinks repugs would spend a second even considering whether to waste time finding out if some political shenanigan they want to do is legal, stand on your head.
The state campaign finance agency has ruled that an independent Democratic group called Kentucky Family Values may not give information such as polling data to two Democratic Party committees. 
In an advisory opinion issued Friday, the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance said Kentucky Family Values, or KVF, may not provide such information for free to the Kentucky Democratic Party or the Kentucky House Democratic Caucus.


The state party, the House Democratic caucus and KVL jointly requested the opinion.

“Independent expenditure committees are a new area of the law and we wanted to make sure we are complying with the law completely,” said James Lamb, a Washington attorney representing KFV. “We greatly appreciate the thoughtful answers and guidance and we’ll follow it completely.”
Suckers!  Losers!  Democrats!

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