Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What Liberal Value Will Dems Abandon Next?

Want to see abortion and birth control become the non-issues surrendered to the freakazoid wingnuts the way gun control has? Then sit home, don't vote, let Romney win and watch the Democratic Party help the xian taliban take over.
All over the morning talk shows and on the various chatter streams, I'm hearing Republicans claim that talk about women's issues, particularly abortion, is a sign that the Democrats are losing. I don't agree with that, but I do know that if Romney wins, the Democrats will almost certainly blame their emphasis on women's issues as the cause (and will likely start thinking of abortion the same way they think about gun control.)

How do I know this? Because the GOP is setting it up that way and the Democrats always blame the left side of the dial for their losses. It's just a matter of finding the right left wing faction to pin it on. I'm going to guess it's the women's turn to pay.
Yes, voting for many Democratic candidates feels like rewarding bad DINO behavior, and it is.  But it's also the only way to keep from power people who will not just annoy us, but actually kill us.

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