Monday, October 15, 2012

Thunderdome in Store for Kentucky if Repugs Take House

You want Kentucky to become the next Florida, Wisconsin or Michigan with public services stripped to nothing, democracy denied and citizens at the mercy of rapacious corporations? Then sit home November 6, don't vote, and watch David Williams and his cronies take over the General Assembly.

Tom Loftus at the Courier:
Citing an unpopular president at the top of the Democratic ticket in November, Kentucky Republicans believe they have a shot at winning a majority in the state House for the first time in 91 years.


Currently Democrats hold 58 seats and Republicans hold 41 with one vacancy. With House seats up for election every two years, 53 incumbents face no opposition this year.

But of the incumbents facing a challenge, 29 are Democrats and only 11 are Republicans. And some of the most competitive races will be for seven open seats where incumbents (four Democrats, three Republicans) are retiring.
Yeah, we'll still have a supposedly Democratic governor, but even discounting veto overrides, does anything think Steve Waste of Oxygen Beshear has what it takes to stop a repug legislature from turning the Commonwealth into a Koch Brothers plantation.

As David Atkins wirtes at Hullabaloo, all that matter now is turnout :
Assuming the President comes out even or better in the following debates and the race stays fairly stable in its current condition, this entire election is going to hinge on turnout. It's old hat to say it, but it's still true.

Which means that every second spent frantically checking TPM and RCP for the latest numbers; every second commenting on some blog about what the President or Democrats need to do differently now to win the election; every second spent yelling at the TV--all of them are precious seconds not being used to get Democrats to the polls or help sway the few wavering undecideds left.

There are battlegrounds all across the country in races big and small, from the Presidency on down to city council. If the President loses, keeping control of the Senate is crucial to prevent repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Every House seat puts the gavel closer to Nancy Pelosi and weakens Boehner's position. Every statehouse seat claws back Republican gains.

Now is the time to make a difference in the battle that appeals to you most, and modern technology allows access to at least phonebanking in just about any of the big battles going on across the country.

Don't panic. Organize and fight.
 Organize and fight. Every Democratic voter you know who doesn't vote this year is your fault.

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