Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Richest Kentuckian

Is Bradley Wayne Hughes, founder of Public Storage, with a personal net worth of $1.1 billion. Hughes' billion-plus means that 39 states and the District of Columbia each have a richest person richer than Kentucky's richest person.

That's according to Daily Finance. See a slideshow of all 51 here.

There are about 4.3 million people in Kentucky. The median household income is $41,576, about $10,000 less than the national median. That means half of Kentucky households, which average fewer than 3 people each, survives on less than $41,5766. The per capita income in Kentucky is $22,515.

Today, three quarters of a million Kentuckians, or over 17 percent, live in poverty, nearly one in four children live in poverty, and in several counties in Eastern Kentucky almost one-in-two children still live below the poverty line.
I don't know how much money Bradley Wayne Hughes pays in taxes, but I'll bet ten cents (which is the same to me as $10,000 is to Mitt RMoney) that he pays a far lower percentage of his income in taxes than working Kentuckians who earn the minimum wage.  And I absolutely guarantee he pays less (next to nothing) in payroll taxes than working Kentuckians pay.

What's wrong with this picture?

If you insist on going to church this morning, ask your pastor to answer that question. I've got another 10 cents he says "nothing."

Read more here:

1 comment:

  1. Perfect example why more people in Kentucky should vote Democrat instead of this right wing tea party bs. If voters would just take the time to become more informed on actual policies than just a picture or what their grandpa pappy says this state would be so much better. GO DEMOCRATS on Nov. 6!!!!!!!
