Monday, October 15, 2012

Tell Special Interests to Stop Fucking With Kentucky's Constitution

National abortion-rights promoter NARAL has placed a constitutional amendment on Kentucky's ballot re-affirming Kentuckians' "personal right to seek, procure and perform abortions, subject to laws and regulations that promote reproductive rights and preserve women's health."

Just kidding!  But if that were true, it would be necessary and useful, unlike the constitutional amendment a national special interest actually has placed on Kentucky's November 6 ballot.

John Cheves at the Herald:
Kentucky voters will be asked Nov. 6 to consider a constitutional amendment that would protect their right to hunt and fish. Not that anyone is challenging their right to hunt and fish.

But the politically powerful National Rifle Association isn't taking chances. The NRA says that "anti-hunting extremists" in the future could convince the Kentucky legislature to outlaw or restrict hunting and fishing, perhaps as part of an animal-rights agenda. So the NRA last year urged lawmakers to put a state constitutional amendment on the 2012 ballot that would establish Kentuckians' right to "harvest wildlife." Lawmakers obliged.

"Are you in favor of amending the Kentucky constitution to state that the citizens of Kentucky have the personal right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife, subject to laws and regulations that promote conservation and preserve the future of hunting and fishing?" the ballot question asks, in part.
The proposed amendment will be the only one on this year's ballot. Kentuckians have amended their state constitution 40 times since approving it in 1891. They have rejected 38 proposed amendments.
Reject this one, too.
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