Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Repug Andy Barr Apparently Not a Moron

At least to the extent he knows when to keep his racist, misogynistic, homophobic mouth shut.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Republican Andy Barr pledged Tuesday to sponsor a constitutional amendment every year he is in Congress to limit terms of its members and remained mum on whether he believes there are any circumstances when abortion should be legal.
While Barr remained silent on possible exceptions for abortion, Margie Montgomery, the executive director of the Kentucky Right to Life, declined to say Tuesday if its national organization asked Barr about possible exceptions to abortion before endorsing him.
"The Kentucky Right to Life Association PAC is satisfied with Mr. Barr's commitment to protecting unborn children and their mothers from the abortion-on-demand license of Roe v. Wade," Montgomery said in an email, referring to the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court landmark decision that disallowed many state and federal restrictions on abortion.
"We won't participate in any media-manufactured outrage about the deeply held pro-life views of Andy Barr, especially in light of the extreme abortion-on-demand position of his opponent, Congressman Ben Chandler," Montgomery wrote.
Margie? Honey? "Abortion only in cases of rape and imminent death of the woman," which is Cowardly Worm Chandler's position, is not abortion on demand.

Abortion on demand is any woman, any time, any place, under any circumstances, no-questions-asked, free-of-charge, nobody's-fucking-business, available-on-every-street-corner ABORTIONPLEX.

Anything short of THAT is an unconstitutional, anti-woman, anti-science, violation of human rights.
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  1. You are mistaken. Chandler is pro-choice, not just for the exceptions you state. You do not understand his position, and have incorrectly stated it here.

  2. Lol I wish republicans were forced to record statement they make just so they could hear how ridiculous they sound. Who really is to say what a woman can and can't do with her body especially in a rape scenario. Not the govt and surely not the republican party. GO DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!
