Saturday, October 27, 2012

No, Cap and Trade Would Not Cost You $1,700 a Year

It doesn't make any difference because A) Ol' Cowardly Worm Chandler would vote against it if he had the chance and B) we won't see another chance at cap and trade in our lifetimes, much less before catastrophic climate change is past reversing.

Neverthless, it's nice to see a coal-state major paper finally printing what the reality-based community has been screaming for years.

John Cheves at the Herald:

... the Waxman bill Chandler voted for would have eventually, by the year 2020, led to an average net cost of about $175 per household annually, according to a June 2009 analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. That's less than one-tenth the sum the Republican Party alleges.
And C: actual, already-accelerating  global warming is going to cost each of us way, WAY more than $1,700 a year.

Read more here:

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