Saturday, October 13, 2012

Massie Still Hiding From Voters

When you think you've got the election locked up in a republican district with a teenaged Texas billionaire writing you blank checks, I guess you can afford to blow off organizations that represent thousands of the people you claim you want to represent.

From Bill Adkins' campaign:
When AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) sent their questionnaire to Congressional candidates, Bill Adkins immediately responded.
Bill’s opponent, Tom Massie REFUSED to respond to the AARP request, and would not even complete the questionnaire. Read the official AARP NKY CD4 Voter Guide for yourself.
We can't send a person who doesn't care about seniors to Congress.
Bill will fight to protect Medicare from “going voucher” and will always listen and respond to the needs of our seniors.
I'm no fan of special-interest questionnaires that mostly serve to lock candidates into extreme positions from which they can be attacked.

But starting on November 7, the biggest and most critical fight in this country is going to be over saving Social Security as a public insurance program or turning it over to Wall Street to plunder. Or maybe just killing seniors slowly with a thousand "minor" benefit cuts.

Where does Tom Massie stand?

1 comment:

  1. Since when is the AARP the automatic voice of seniors??? Kudos for Massie for not indulging this self serving organization.
    Did Adkins response to the Kentucky Right to Life survey...Noooooope. Where is your outrage on that?
