Sunday, October 7, 2012

Free Thinking in Kentucky

Personally, being attacked for being an atheist doesn't bother me as much as the liberal xians who insist that atheism is just the far end of the "religious spectrum" and if we just gave god a chance we'd see the light.

Give me a hate-spewing freakazoid any day. They know an enemy when they see one.

John Cheves at the Herald:
At least one group wasn't praying Saturday for a University of Kentucky football win.

The first Kentucky Freethought Convention, held at UK, drew more than 250 atheists, agnostics, humanists and other religious skeptics from around the state. They heard lectures on the value of teaching evolution in schools, the perils of religious proselytizing in the military, why ex-pastors should promote atheism and other topics guaranteed to bring many Thanksgiving dinners to a screeching halt.

They also came for companionship. Several attendees said that simply identifying oneself as atheist can infuriate Christians.

"Some terribly angry and threatening emails" resulted from a billboard erected last month at New Circle and Nicholasville roads that read "Don't believe in God? Join the club," said Clay Maney, spokesman for the Humanist Forum of Central Kentucky, which helped organize Saturday's event.

"We are in some quarters hated," Maney said. "I'm not sure I understand that. We're not out there knocking on your doors, we're not handing our literature to your children, we're not trying to pass laws promoting our views, we're not trying to convert you. But people seem to feel terribly threatened by us."
As well they should. Religion of any stripe is anti-thought, anti-reason, anti-reality, anti-freedom, anti-facts and anti-humanity. A world that values human thought, human morality and human freedom must eliminate religion.

For freethinkers to deny that fact is a betrayal of freethought.

Read more here:

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