Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Drop What You're Doing and Register to Vote Right Now

You have until next Tuesday, October 9 to register to vote in Kentucky.
A voter registrtaion card can be obtained and completed at your county clerk's office or click here to download a voter registration card in PDF format.  You must have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Option 1
Print out the form, fill out the voter registration card by hand, sign it, and mail to the State Board of Elections.

Option 2 
Fill out the voter registration card using the computer, print out the form, sign it, and mail it to the State Board of Elections.
No, of course you can't register to vote online in Kentucky.  But you can check your registration status online.
Once you are registered to vote, your county clerk will send you an acknowledgement card verifying your registration or informing you of a problem with your registration. This card will provide you with the information concerning your precinct location for Election Day.  Contact your county clerk if you do not receive notification within 2-3 weeks or, if it is close to the registration deadline, to check the status of your registration. You will not receive notification if you are moving within the same precinct or are only changing your political party affiliation.

You may also check your voter registration at any time with the State Board of Elections’  Voter Information Center.

Any citizen may inspect or make copies of any registration record, pursuant to KRS 116.095.  However, Social Security Numbers will not be disclosed.

If you have any questions about filling out the voter registration card, please contact your county clerk or the State Board of Elections.
Polls are open in Kentucky on election day - Tuesday, Nov. 6 - from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

No, I'm not going to tell you how important it is for you, personally, to vote. If you don't understand that, what are you doing reading a political blog?

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