Saturday, October 20, 2012

Call Your Questions in to Adkins-Massie Forum

Next Monday, Oct. 22, 8 p.m to 9 p.m., just before the third and last Presidential Debate.

 From Kathy Groob:
Finally, we will see Bill Adkins and Tom Massie square off at the KET candidate forum (not really a true debate) this Monday, October 22nd from 8-9 p.m.  This will be a great warm-up to the third and final Presidential debate.  
Please be ready to call in with your questions for Bill and Mr. Massie. 

Call-in number:  800-494-7605 
Questions can also be submitted online at Twitter: @BillKET or #kytonight (phone calls are preferred)

Please tweet and Facebook to your friends and supporters to tune in Monday night!

I'd say the only relevant questions to Massie are variations of "Do you support the Romney-Ryan plan to kill Medicare?"

Substitute "outlaw birth control," "cut taxes on the rich," "bomb Iran," "fire teachers, police and firefighters" for "kill Medicare" and you're good.
Here's a fun one for Massie: "How will you work for bipartisanship in Congress if President Obama is re-elected?"

And another fun one: "How much money has that teenaged Texas billionaire spent to promote your campaign?"

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