Friday, October 12, 2012

Beshear: "The People of This Country Trust the President"

It's a prediction, not really an endorsement, but from the governor of a state likely to give Romney a 30-point win, I'll take it.

Joe Gerth at the Courier:
Gov. Steve Beshear predicted before a national Internet audience that President Barack Obama will win re-election because people trust that he’s not going to flip-flop on issues just to get elected.


“Most Americans, I think, are going to vote with their gut and they’re going to vote for the person that they trust … and I think Obama wins on that factor. I think the people of this country, more of them trust the president, they don’t necessarily agree with him on every issue but they know he cares about them, they know he wants to bring all of America along. …

And they don’t trust Romney, I think that shows up in the polls. … It comes from the fact that the guy’s changed his position over and over again on any number of issues, seemingly having no bottom line when it comes to principles to stand by, it’s more, ‘What can get me a vote next week.’ ”

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