Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bandaid on a Sucking Chest Wound

Trying to "adapt" to the effects of global warming while ignoring the coal-burning plants causing it is like treating cancer with nothing but pain killers.

Actually, it's worse - focusing on adaptation wastes time and takes money and attention away from dealing with the cause. And so the fossil-fuel billionaires laugh all the way to the bank while the world burns.

James Bruggers are the Courier:
Whether it’s an example of climate change or just temperamental Mother Nature, the evidence of more extreme weather is mounting in Louisville and across the nation. And city officials and business leaders are taking their first steps to prepare for what some scientists predict could be even dodgier consequences ahead.

That includes identifying some of the weather threats, ramping up the emergency-response system, buying out some residents of flood-prone areas, introducing green infrastructure such as plant-covered roofs, and launching an effort to cool the city by restoring the vastly depleted tree canopy.

And a new, long-range planning effort called Vision Louisville will attempt to factor in climate change, city officials said.

Much of that work is being done without direct reference to global warming.
That's plain malfeasance. Shame on Louisville Mayor Greg Fisher and every politician who plants a tree instead of demanding massive, immediate cuts in carbon production.

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