Saturday, September 15, 2012

What the DINOs are Buying in KY-6

We're all already sick of the campaign ads here in Central Kentucky, and we've got 52 days to go.

But while you're watching Ben Cowardly Worm Chandler's ads, remember who's paying for them, and why.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is supposed to help get more Democrats elected to Congress.  But it's ignoring big, fat repug targets like Paul Ryan who have strong progressive opponents and instead spending your donations defending repug-lite Blue Dogs like ol' Cowardly Worm.

And, I'm afraid, a good portion of the DCCC targets this cycle-- carefully chosen by corrupt "ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel, have opponents who are unworthy of support from anyone who cares about making progress in America. Many of their Frontline candidates, incumbents in trouble because Democrats don't want to support them because of their basically GOP voting records, define all that's wrong with the Democratic Party, from Blue Dogs John Barrow (GA), Jim Matheson (UT), Larry Kissell (NC), Ben Chandler (KY) and Mike McIntyre (NC) to reactionary fellow travelers Bill Owens (NY), Mark Critz (PA) and Ron Barber (AZ). They all have horrendous voting records and no one should consider voting for any of them without reading those records and seeing how often they back the Republican and corporate agendas.
Among Cowardly Worm's many repug votes you can count the one in favor of the anti-woman Stupak amendment that nearly derailed health care reform, and the one supporting the repugs' despicable false charges against Attorney General Eric Holder.

Back in July, Down with Tyranny wrote this:
Yesterday Sam Stein blew the whistle on how the DCCC has "favored" the worst Democrats in Congress. If you're a regular DWT reader you're well aware of the overall narrative: the DCCC recruits and finances conservatives and discourages and starves progressives. We've mentioned it... frequently. In fact, it's gotten even worse since "ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel took over the committee and has systematically gone forward institutionalizing a policy Rahm Emanuel put in place in 2006 and that lapsed slightly when Chris Van Hollen ran the show-- but just slightly. Now, however, it's full steam ahead.
If you want to contribute to the DCCC, at least be aware what you're throwing your money away on. And if you'd like to support progressive Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt type Democrats, like David Gill and Patsy Keever, mentioned above, you can do it directly through ActBlue, where the DCCC doesn't rake off a cut for themselves.
The DCCC is not giving a dime to Proud Obama-Supporting Democrat Bill Adkins in Kentucky's Fourth District Open Seat. Yes, it's a red district and the repug is a teabagger backed by a teenaged billionaire from Texas,  but the Fourth elected a Democrat to Congress in 1998, 2000 and 2002. The Fourth has the Real Democratic candidate it needs; some national encouragement could make all the difference.

Help Bill Adkins put on the air a campaign ad that will make you proud to support him.

As opposed to this, which is just depressing the shit out of everybody:

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