Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Violent Images Are the Last Refuge of the Incompetent

Yeah, we've seen these before. That's not a fetus, by the way - more like a three-year-old. Probably one killed and dismembered in one of the countless violent conflicts around the world that vicious motherfuckers like Beacham don't give a shit about.  Protesting violence against post-birth human beings, after all, doesn't provide an opportunity to act out your own sexual repression by suppressing women.

From the AP:
An anti-abortion activist who filed for Congress so he could run TV ads supporting his cause plans to air an especially graphic ad showing a dismembered fetus on nine stations.

Andrew Beacham is running in Kentucky's 2nd District but not with the intention of winning. Instead, he simply wants to use his candidacy as a bully pulpit.
Yes, of course he's an acolyte of terrorist Randall Terry and Operation Rescue. He's also an Indiana resident - doesn't even live in Kentucky.

Shame on every television station that runs this ad. It's not a campaign ad, it's blatantly false from beginning to end and it undermines the already shaky integrity of Kentucky elections.

If you're collecting examples of why we need a Constitutional amendment banning all money from elections, here's one for the top of the stack.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2012/09/25/2349967/graphic-anti-abortion-ad-to-begin.html#storylink=cpy

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